Cogent Legal

Case Study: Why You Should Develop Graphics For Your Case—the Sooner, the Better

(I wrote this post for a blog I follow and respect: The Matte Pad Marketing Know-How for the Legal Profession. It was published there two weeks ago, and I’m reposting it here for Cogent Legal Blog’s audience. Image courtesy of The Matte Pad.)

It’s the eleventh hour before trial and you’re feverishly preparing your case when you realize you need help creating a visual presentation. You enlist the expertise of a legal graphics consultant. Not a bad idea—but there’s a much better way to go: Make that call, and start preparing visuals, as early as possible in each and every case.

A recent case of mine shows how multimedia graphics—such as 3D animations, 2D infographics, interactive PDFs, medical illustrations or video-enhanced PowerPoints—can help an attorney develop, test and refine theories of liability or defense. The end result is you’ll be as prepared as possible for mediation or trial, with an airtight case to present in the most clear and compelling way. (more…)

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