A Great Opportunity to Learn Litigation Tech and Presentation Skills

visual litigation and logosIf you’re reading this blog, chances are you have an interest in legal tech and litigation graphics. You likely know they’re important for any 21st-century case presentation. But you know less about how to get trouble-free and top-quality tech, demonstratives and litigation support. Maybe it feels too time consuming, too expensive or simply too overwhelming to sharpen your skills and knowledge in this area.

Fear not, a 90-minute webinar coming up will teach you how to leverage the latest trial technologies for stronger, less stressful presentations.

On Friday, Nov. 22, 10 a.m. Pacific/1p.m. Eastern, I’ll co-present this webinar with Ted Brooks, an expert in trial technology and courtroom presentations. We’re going to give a practical, concise overview on the use of technology in litigation, full of case examples and tips you can use.

First, we’ll teach you about the wired courtroom and the risks and benefits of using legal tech.  (more…)

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