6 Helpful “How To” Lessons on Legal Tech and Litigation Graphics

Inspiration conceptYesterday for Christmas, I opened a box that contained my very own Google Glass, and I know I’ll spend a good chunk of time during this vacation week teaching myself how to use the device. Once I get a feel for how Glass works and how attorneys might harness its power for litigation, you can bet I’ll share what I learned here on this blog.

I truly enjoy writing “how to” posts to pass along tips that can improve case presentations and make a litigator’s life easier. These posts often describe how to troubleshoot or avoid tech snafus that can crop up before or during trial. Or, they describe how to use technology and develop visual aids to make a more powerful case presentation.

As discussed earlier (in How Lawyers Can and Must Learn Legal Tech and Social Media), attorneys who don’t learn to use technology effectively will find themselves at a competitive disadvantage. Here are six of my favorite “how to” posts from the past year that aim to help litigators use graphics and technology to build and present the best case possible for their clients: (more…)

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