How to Use Technology Effectively in Mediation

[UPDATE: We uploaded the webinar on SlideShare and embedded it below so you can watch the whole thing if you like.]

Yesterday, I co-presented a CLE webinar on “Technology for Better Mediation” along with two San Francisco trial attorneys, Miles Cooper of Rouda Feder Tietjen & McGuinn, and Jeff Smith of Abramson Smith Waldsmith. One of the things I admire about both Miles and Jeff is their forward-thinking use of technology and graphics in litigation—not just for trial, but also for briefing and mediation. Since both Miles and Jeff specialize in high-end personal injury and wrongful death litigation, these type of cases were the focus of this discussion. This post summarizes the practical take-aways we shared, which we hope will help attorneys get the best results possible for their clients.

When we talk about “technology for mediation,” we’re often really talking about ways to create visualizations of the case; that is, ways to show your case in an understandable, engaging way. You might be asking yourself, “Why is this something I should bother with for mediation?” (more…)

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