Good News: Trial Tech Costs Can Be Easier to Recover

Trial courts have discretion to award costs for trial technology under the decision in Bender v. County of Los Angeles, Cal. App. 2d Dist. (July 9, 2013). The court held: "Almost 20 years have passed since Science Applications was decided, during which time the use of technology in the courtroom has become commonplace (including a technician to monitor the equipment and quickly resolve any glitches), and technology costs have dramatically declined. . . The costs at issue total just over $24,000, and the trial court specifically found the trial technology enhanced counsel’s advocacy and was reasonably necessary to the conduct of the litigation. The court acted well within its discretion in allowing recovery of these costs." Bender (p. 991.)

Dollar2For those of you who rely heavily on trial technicians and courtroom technology, a 2013 case on CCP Section 1033.5 is important to know about because it enhances your ability to recover trial tech costs.

Every year, technology becomes an increasingly important part of case presentations. In a piecemeal fashion, courts are steadily catching up to this 21st-century reality and beginning to recognize that tech-related trial costs are legitimately recoverable. (more…)

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