Blogging, Social Media & Marketing Tips for Small Firms and Solo Attorneys from the LMA Tech Conference

At the Legal Marketing Technology Conference/West in San Francisco Thursday, I spoke on a panel about blogging, social media and online marketing for small firms and solo attorneys. As a self-proclaimed “reluctant blogger” who used to cringe at marketing, I was happy to share some of the reasons why I’ve embraced social media and what I’ve learned since starting a business in the legal industry. I also felt fortunate to speak with the two other panelists, who were terrific. What follows are some of their key take-aways and a few points that I made, which I hope will help other attorneys build their practice and strengthen their network.

On the panel, I was joined by Stacy Stern, president of, a very useful and user-friendly portal for legal info and legal research with a public-interest and community-minded mission; and Jeena Cho, a bankruptcy attorney with the JC Law Group. Jeena is in a two-person firm, and thanks to her successful blogging—as well as her podcasts, videos and use of social media networks—she is well known in her field and comes up near the top in Google searches for bankruptcy attorneys. (more…)

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