At Cogent Legal, we often help litigators with PowerPoint, and now we plan to share some of our PowerPoint secrets for litigators in a free webinar. The webinar will be held on Wednesday, October 8, 2014 at noon Pacific, and you can register by clicking here. Here’s a short video preview of the webinar and some of what we’ll be covering:
In the webinar, we’ll talk about key features of PowerPoint that you should understand, including the following:
- Themes and Layouts: Themes and layouts control the look of your slide, and they also help you make slides more quickly. For example, below are slides that I created using layouts for timelines and for document callouts (zooming in on a section of a document). In this webinar, we’ll talk about how to create and edit your own custom layouts, and we’ll let you download the theme that we use in the webinar.

- Navigating with Sections: For a long slide deck with multiple topics, use sections to organize (and reorganize) the slides as you prepare the deck. The slides below shows the section dialogs, and we’ll cover the feature in the webinar.

The webinar will be live, so I’ll answer questions as we go along. If you need CLE credit, please note that we’ll be submitting this webinar to the State Bar of California for approval for continuing legal education credit. Click here to register.
For information about this and other webinars, please visit our webinars page at
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