Dear Clients and Friends,
Yesterday the San Francisco Superior Court posted guidelines for restoring operations at San Francisco’s courts. We are attaching the link HERE for your convenience. Listed below, we have provided some quick tips for entering the building(s) as well as some important things to know. The basic, common sense bottom line is: safety and health first. The Court will strictly enforce the guidelines as provided by the City and County of San Francisco and the Department of Health. As the Court strives to meet social distancing goals and guidelines, it will be conducting business with many operations condensed down. These guidelines, as laid out are set in place to help protect court staff, court users, and the general public as they navigate this new normal.
SF Superior Court Official Guidelines

01. Masks are required
You must wear a mask or face covering to enter any court facility and during all times you remain inside a courthouse. The court will not provide masks or face coverings.

02. Updated Sick Policy
If you are sick, please do not come to court. No one who is sick or is exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms will be permitted to enter any court facility.

03. Social distancing measures
Please expect longer lines and wait times. The court will follow social distancing requirements inside and outside our facilities and some building access will be limited.

04. Safety guidelines
Please note and adhere to the posted signs regarding social distancing, face coverings and health and safety guidelines. Please wash your hands frequently. Hand sanitizer will be provided throughout the courthouses.
Let’s get back to work!
Given the update from SF Superior Court, other courts are expected to follow and will likely issue similar, if not exact guidelines. As businesses and the legal industry slowly start to reopen, we want to welcome our clientele back to work. We are geared up and are ready to help you strategize, story tell, and prepare for mediation and trial. The Cogent Legal team is prepared and excited to hear from you. Contact us today!